Impressions from Rustaveli:
An interpretation of a romantic poem by an eleventh-century Georgian monk. SCREENING AT THE NYC MoMA

The Museum of Modern Art, NYC
May 25 – August 13 2006
39 Provocative Programs, Over 200 Filmmakers
This exhibition celebrates more than three decades of intimate, inventive, and technically sophisticated student filmmaking and videomaking, and features a breathtaking range of nonfiction, narrative, animation, and experimental styles and genres. Particular focus is given to the famed animation program, where students have used everything from cutting-edge computer and optical printing technologies–many of which they developed themselves–to homespun materials like chewing-gum wrappers, nail polish remover, and lint. TOMORROWLAND is the most comprehensive exhibition that MoMA has devoted to an American Film School.
Organized by Joshua Siegel, Assistant Curator, Department of Film and Media, The Museum of Modern Art.